Our True karaoke systems are easy to use right out of the box. Plug, play, and then rock the stage! Loaded with convenient features, such as dual microphone jacks to support duets, your special karaoke moment can be that much better singing along with a friend. With an awesome song library with thousands of songs for all ages and all talent levels anyone can have a blast!

Tecnologia analogica

Riproduce CD musicali e dischi Karaoke (CD + GS), così come MP3 + G musica da USB (su modelli selezionati)

Testo su schermo

Condividi i testi con amici e familiari su un grande schermo TV tramite cavi RCA a risoluzione 640x480p.

Bluetooth ®

Streaming audio in modalità wireless da qualsiasi dispositivo compatibile (su modelli selezionati)

Cantare· Record· Condividi

Registra le tue performance vocali in playback e Condividi.

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